My Favorite LINKS

Darryl is a ROBOT NUT

ROBBY THE ROBOT Fred Barton Productions has a Robby for you.

ALPHADROME ROBOTS & SPACE TOYS you want to talk robots? Go here!

Universities Robotics Research

Toy Collector is an online community for toy and model collectors.

Doc Atomic's Attic of Astounding Artifacts

Go See the RoboDicki !

Ricks got some

Grandpas Robot Works Custom builds robots.

Ron has Robots from the 1980's like the Tomy Omnibot robots series.

Andy has some Elctro Art Works for you.

ROBBY THE ROBOT toys Pat K. has all the Robby type toys check it out.

Robot LIsts of Personal & Educational robots

Computers and Robots or Robots and Computers if you like!

Planet Robot Company is makeing new reproduction robots for you!

Bill has some NEAT STUFF for sale.

Robot Island, if you had to be stuck on a island this would be the one!

Volker Strauss is bringing back the "robot" past STRENCO

Jay’s Super Gigantic Gigantor / Tetsujin 28-Gou, Astroboy & Many Other Robots Website!

Toys Robots and True Replica brand Robot Boxes!

OK its not robots but Gary H. has cool site from the past!

FUTURE PAST cool site

Chris Hillman's Robotic/Animatronic/SPFX LINKS

Artist John Mulder does pop art featuring Robot art.

Robot Japan, Ed has a Robot picture encyclopedia for you.

Ultimate Iron Giant Web Site

Spanish Robot collection

Spanish version of Johnny 5, built by Jose Luis M. Fraile

3D PAPER MODEL great links to Paper Craft Robots

Atomic Box, Let the Good Doctor show you what he is made of

Karl Egenberger has some robot art for you!

MARS the bringer of wonderful robots


Mark Bergin Toys

The Lifter home page, solid state lifting devices!

Free 3D GLASSES from Rain Bow Stmphony. perfect for the 3d Robot Hut Tour.

Robert V. has a great Irwin Allen web site

SCI FI STATION the name says it all!

Robert the Robot man

ANDY makes robots DALEK CITY

Jan C. has a great collection at MISTER ROBOT


RETROFIRE has robot news and more!


The Time Machine Don C. knows all about time.

GASOLINE ALLEY ANTIQUES , If Keith doesn't have it you don't need it.


Mike Kickham might be Lost in Space