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TOBOR the GREAT ROBOT Full scale
TOBOR the GREAT ROBOT Remote control unit
1954 Target earth robot, scale reproduction
Target earth robot Rickshaw project
1940's Dr. Satins robot! full scale reproduction " the mysterious Dr. Satan
Johnny five robot full scale reproduction
Silent Running Drone #1
Silent Running Drone #2
Silent Running Drone #3
KRELL LOCK from Forbidden Planet
The New Machine Man Band twice the fun
Mini 4.75 inch RC Johnny 5 robot "type 2"
ROBOTIC ARM "draws and writes"
Martian WAR Machine
C57D ship
Lost in Space B9 ROBOT
Lost in Space JUPITER 2
Solar charged Robot Yard Lights
TOBOR the GREAT ROBOT 1/4 scale
TOBOR the GREAT remote unit 1/4 scale
TOBOR the GREAT R-1 Robot conversion
TOBOR the GREAT Smoking robot Robot conversion
3d printed Battery operated Drone robot #4 Newbie
3d printed Battery operated Drone robot #5 ROCKIE
3d printed Battery operated radio control Nando Robot
3d printed programable Ms. Radicon Robot
3d printed Mexican battery operated Robot
3d printed Commado Robot
Dynamo Lantern robot conversion
3d printed Electric Foki robot
3d printed hopping robot
Jaggernaut Alphabot Bi Ped robot project
Alpha-Strider a 3d printed Alphabot Bi Ped robot project
Mr. Servo is a 3d printed robot project
RB-B3 Robby and R2 Love Child
Octoped walking robot chair project
Flying Mars Explorer robot conversion
Lite-O-Wheel red lantern robot conversion
Chief Pug robot and Magnavision robot conversion's
Robot Moon Detector conversion
The Martian Chief robot is coming for you !
Here is a combination Big Max and Pogot with remote battery operation
Here is BS 12 AlphaBot for Botstock 12
3d printed BiPed robot Alpha-Rama
Here is a robot that can lay down in the flying position and get back up !
Here is The 2014 Wind Up Alphbot
Here is The 2014 Battery operated JAW's Alphbot
TPS Chief Robot coversion
Pneumatic AlphaBot prototype 1
Pneumatic Planet Robot coversion
Pneumatic Piston action Robot coversion
Here is a Jumbo Walking Planet Robot ! !
FanBot to keep you COOL.
FanBot 2 to keep you COOL on the move.
Cart Robot useing modified Theo Janen's linkage.
AlphaBot Super Rocking Walker Ramp walking robots.
Plans for the Paper craft TESLA Super Rocking Walker Ramp walking robots.
Plans for the Paper craft AlphaBot Super Rocking Walker Ramp walking robots.
ZOBOR the GREAT a Robotic fortune teller
Mag-No Man Robot based on 1891 patent for Electric walking toy
Electric walking Robot based on 1891 patent
Electric walking Alpha-Bot Robot based on 1891 patent
Radicon robot version of Robert the Robot
Smoking robot version of Robert the Robot
3 Mini Robert The Robot conversions
Alphabot The Robot Cookie Cuter
Alphabot Guitar Project
Magic Alphabot-Alphadrome Data Base Game
Nixie Clock Bot CHIEF NIXIE
Nixie Robot Clock type 2
Nixie Robot Clock "single tube" type3 & 42
MRs. ALPS - Non Stop TV robot
Non Stop Ding Bot Project
Radicon Futurliner Project
R-1 robot converted to a Fire Engine Robot
Code Blue Thunder robot conversion
Black Prototype Radicon robot
Super Sonic Space Giant Robot
DETECTO 2010 Alphabot prototype #1
DETECTOR 2010 Alphabot prototypes
Infinity II robot conversion
Houdini "The Master Mystery" Paper robot from 1919
Fire Chief Robot with working fire place in chest
"Drax" Mr. Infinity robot
Zom-Bot Robot Project
Chief Smoky too PATROL CHIEF Robot conversion
Chief Smoky too TV Robot conversion
The DOOR MAN GEAR "Robot conversion"
AlphaBot the Prototypes
The first 10 AlphaBots
This robot wants to Probe you. "Robot conversion"
Hemi powered Giant robot conversion"
Pho-Tron the Robot conversion"
"SGR" Snatch & Grab Robot conversion"
Rocket Bot "R-1 conversion"
Rocket Bot II "R-1 conversion"
Comp-U-Honker aka Mr. Roto Beeper conversion
Mr. Orbit robot has Anti-gravity control! robot conversion
Acker-Bot-Man the audio video robot conversion
Galactic Roto Robot conversion
Mr. Modern Robot, Time too lose the Skirt & go to work! conversion
Anatomy of a German Steam Robot conversion
Steam Punk Robot Chief "Rust-O" conversion
Steam Punk Robot Chief conversion #2
Space Chief red robot conversion
Space Chief copper robot conversion"
Radical Smoker robot "chief robot man conversion"
Master Bot Man has something to say "chief robot man conversion"
Chief Piston Head Robot conversion
Chief Think-A-Tron Robot conversion. When 1 brain is just not enough!
Mr. Chief Video Man Robot conversion.
Speedy Delivery Smoking Robot conversion type 1
Speedy Delivery Smoking Robot conversion type 2
Pug Robby Delivery Robot conversion
X-25 Super Rescue Robots Project
ACME Robotic Planetiod Maker Robot
Robot 4L Lazor light, Lava Lamp R-1 Robot conversion
Plasma Master R-1 Robot conversion
Robot Carumba type 1
Robot Carumba type 2
PlasmoNaut robot / smoking Robot conversion
Astro-Plasmo custom robot
High Beem Worker Robby Robot
Mexican Robot type 1 / R-1 Robot conversion
Folki Robot type 2 / R-1 Robot conversion
Folki Robot type 1 / R-1 Robot conversion
Jupitor Robot reproduction / conversion
Robots built from Dollar store crap,group 1
Robots built from Dollar store crap, group 2
Custom robot built for David Kirk as BotStock Prize 2007
PlasmaMaster Walker robot / R-1 Robot conversion
Message Man Robot conversion
Message Man 2 conversion
BotStock 3 video robot for Robert Lessor
ATOMIC PUG robot conversion
Rescue video robot conversion
Radio control Planet ROBBY the robot conversion
Big Red Planet Robby the robot conversion
R-1 to Jupitor robot conversion
Lavender Mr. Robot and Space robot Tank conversion's
Blue / Red Pug robot conversion
CHROME - MO "Mr. Electro" conversion
Robby cockpit robot conversion
Radio controled Walking DAISA robot reproduction
MOON ROBOT PUG robot conversion
Mr Alps TV robot conversion
jigebin3000 robot conversion
Metalic blue repro High Wheel robot battery op.
Diamond robots smoker conversion type 2
Diamond robots smoker conversions
Silver Mechanized robot PUG conversion
RED & WHITE PUG robots
Bare metal repro PUG robot
Target robot / smoker conversions
B9 Lost in Space robot conversions
PUG robby robot conversions
JUMBO Reproduction of rare Mexican Robot
Reproduction of rare Mexican Robot
Self Contained Battery operated planet robot conversion
Special hammer tone red Radicon Walker conversion
Special RC conversion for THe Toy Robot Museum
Special Wind Up conversion for THe Toy Robot Museum
Walking Radicon robot conversion
Tuliphead & Winky robot conversion"
Electric Brain Robot "smoking robot conversion"
Electric Day Glow smoking robot conversion
Golden Tulip Head smoking robot conversions
3 repro robot conversions
Laughing Tobor robot conversion #1
Laughing Tobor robot conversion #2
Laughing Tobor robot conversion #3
Laughing Tobor robot conversion #4
TV Smoking robot conversion"
MR. ELECTRIC "Electric robot conversion"
Repro Lantern robot conversion #1
Repro Lantern robot conversion #2
Repro Lantern robot conversion #3 & #4
Repro Lantern robot conversion #5,6 & 7
Dino robot conversion
ROBO PROBE a robo tank R-1 conversion"
BotStock II the Electronic robot "gear robot conversion"
Globe-O the Control-O "space walk man conversion"
Dynamo Robot Smoker conversion
Space Walk Man conversion to "Control bot"
Atomic Smoking man with moving meter
Psychedelic thunder robot with spinning LED effect
Psychedelic Smoking robot with 4 spinning LED effects
Candy Apple Smoker with lite up meter
Moon Explorer & Space Trooper conversions
Mr Hypno Robot "robot 2000 conversion"
5 repro winky robot conversions
Ha Ha Planet robot conversions
IRON GIANT heart & soul "BOLT"
Over 100 Paper Robots "paper craft"
Lifter #4 in 3d. You will need Red/Blue 3d glasses.
4.5 inch Radio control B9 Robot conversion
4.5 inch Radio control ROBBY the Robot conversion
Radio control URL POLICE Robot conversion
Radio control ROXY robot conversion
Radio control R-1 tank robot conversion
Radio control GORT robot conversion
Radio control ELECTRA robot conversion
Radio control robot Space Car conversion
Radio control 3 inch WU robot conversion
Radio control 3.24 inch WU Smoking robot conversion
Radio control Bender robot conversion
Radio control ZOOMER robot made from TTT Radar robot
Radio control Atomic Robot Man only 5 inches tall
Radio control Johnny Five Robot only 4.25 inches tall
4.5 inch RADICON robot converted to radio control
planet robot (aka ugly robot) windup conversion to battery OP
GORT windup conversion to battery OP
Three windup conversions to battery OP
Three windup conversions to battery OP
Three MORE windup conversions to battery OP
Three "MORE" windup conversions to battery OP
JT Thunder robot to Radio control
JT Thunder robot to Psychedelic paint job
JT Thunder robot Copper paint job
JT Thunder robot Yellow paint job #1
JT Thunder robot Yellow Paint job #2
JT Thunder robot to battle damage conversion
JT Thunder robot to color changing mod.
TTT Thunder robot to box artwork conversion
TTT Thunder robot to Pearl White conversion
TTT Thunder robot to Smoking , copper color robot
TTT Thunder robot to silver prototype conversion
Battery Operated 12 inch tall Atomic Robot Man
The LIFTER its a Asymmetrical capacitor Thrust Device
The Orchestron may not look like a robot but it is!
Nonsmoking robot conversion to battery operation
Machine Man Band
Robby the Robot caller device
Battery operated Space Trooper "new size"
R-1 to mighty robot conversion with spinning led effects"
R-1 to Plazmo robot conversion "great Plasma globe and spinning LED effects!"
R-1 to PSYCHEDELIC robot conversion "great spinning LED effects!"
R-1 to Die Roboter R-1 conversion "great spinning LED effects!"
R-1 to METER MAN robot conversion "great spinning LED effects and smoke!"
R-1 to Mr. Atomic power robot conversion "great spinning LED effects"
R-1 to TV robot "TV conversion # 3"
R-1 to Piston / naughty robot conversion
R-1 to RED Mighty robot conversion
R-1 to green "small ears" Mighty robot conversion
R-1 to Blue Mighty Robot conversion
R-1 to "original type" RADICON ROBOT conversion
R-1 to origional type Target ROBOT conversion
R-1 to SONIC ROBOT conversion
R-1 to MARK BOT "Mighty robot" conversion
R-1 to NON STOP "Lavender" robot conversion
R-1 to Shooting Giant robot conversion
R-1 to Radio controled RADICON prototype "LOOK" ROBOT conversion
R-1 to RADICON prototype "LOOK" ROBOT conversion
R-1 to Machine Man ROBOT conversion
R-1 to ALERT ROBOT conversion
RED R-1 to TV robot conversion
Target Robot # two (R-1 Conversion)
R-1 to GEAR ROBOT conversion
R-1 to ATOM ROBOT #2 conversion
R-1 to ATOMIC ROBOT conversion
R-1 to Target and TV Robot conversion's
R-1 to JR-1 Robot conversion
ATOM WALKING ROBOT (Green ,Star Strider Conversion)
ATOM WALKING ROBOT (Blue smoking version)
ATOMIC ROBOT VibraSonic Action
BUZZER ROBOT conversion